Have you been dreaming of a comfortable, affordable wooden trike that you could build yourself during a course or on your own? Well, here it is! And what a pleasure it is to ride, lying back as if on a deckchair and admiring the scenery as it goes by! Combined with a bike trailer, it can easily carry your luggage or goods in addition to the rider! Keep up to date by subscribing to our newsletter (~4x/year), or join our forum to exchange ideas. And if you feel like it, we look forward to meeting you and sharing a few days of fun, learning and doing things together with your hands on a workshop!


Based on a concept invented more than 10 years ago by two brothers in the South of France, the moskitOS tilts and turns thanks to the clever use of an articulated trapeze that allows the whole front section, including the rider, to lean when cornering! This solution also has the advantage of driving the front wheel directly, avoiding the classic long transmission chain used on almost all similar vehicles.

Comfortable and aerodynamic, the moskitOS is made mainly of wood and is copyright-free, so anyone can make it. With a little help during a workshop, or on your own for advanced DIY enthusiasts.


  • TRIKE FASTENING (v4): PROTOTYPE STAGE ( ~1000 km travelled) 90% 90%
  • TRIKE SELF-BUILDING GUIDES (in progress) 70% 70%
  • BODYWORK DEVELOPMENT (velomobile version) 10% 10%


Keep up to date with moskitOS activities (courses, events, news, etc.) by receiving our newsletter 4 times a year.

Your e-mail address is only used to send you our newsletter. You can unsubscribe at any time using the unsubscribe link included in each of our mailings.

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With the support of Ademe

After participating in the ‘ideation’ phase of its Extreme Challenge in 2021, then ‘Prototyping 1’ until 2024, Ademe is pleased to renew its support for a new ‘Prototyping 2’ stage dedicated to the long-awaited fairing! What better vehicle than the moskitOS to meet the transport challenges of the future? It’s efficient, simple, light, healthy, affordable, lets you learn to use your hands because it’s self-buildable/maintainable/repairable, and therefore environmentally friendly. Don’t hesitate to check out its dedicated page on the Ademe wiki.


  • nov : design of moskitOS v2, v3 and v4, production of plans, drafting of manufacturing guides, ‘white box’ tests, organisation of training courses and technical referent, Ademe XD link and administration, website webmaster, photos, videos and forum facilitation
  • dsmr: organisation of training courses, forum webmaster and production guide diagrams
  • JoVPH: motivation, organisation and running of courses, ‘black box’ tests and mobile bike referent
  • RacingMat: initiator of the CNC parts, help with moskitOS design, organisation, technical advisor and course and forum facilitation
  • Youen: webmaster and forum expert
  • Maxime : link for the université technique Belfort-Montbéliard Crunch Lab events
  • Élisabeth: sharing her experience of building a fairing for her mosquito
  • Laurent and Thibault: modelling moskitOS v1 in FreeCad
  • François: modelling and FreeCad expert
  • Nicolas and Olivier Chambon: designing the original Mosquito and sharing in open-source
  • The hosts of the various courses, who helped us meet some great people and build many moskitOS
  • The participants in the various courses, without whom nothing would be possible and whose interest encourages everyone else to continue 😀

A huge thank you to everyone!


Km travelled

Prototypes built

Successful courses